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This lot have some good Lambretta VIN information

Information below was taken from the Lambretta Club of Great Britain message boards and first appeared in Jetset 123 (May-June 2003).

Indian GP's are stamped with the same prefixes as Italian machines i.e. 22/1 (GP 125), 22/0 (GP 150) and 22/2 (GP 200)

However for the numbers following the prefix, some frames are stamped as: 22/0*22*380149. The number 22 doesn't necessarily mean its a GP200 frame. The two digit number denotes the country the frame was originally manufactured for. These numbers run from 00 to 30 and include the following countries as follows:

00 - not listed
01 - USA
02- UK
03 - Columbia
04 - Singapore
05 - Italy
06 - Hong Kong
07 - Germany
08 - Algeria
09 - Thailand
10 - Iran
11 - Japan
12 - Pakistan
13 - Greece
14 - Malaysia
15 - Indonesia
16 - Mauritius
17 - Switzerland
18 - Sri Lanka
19 - Nepal
20 - New Zealand
21 - Egypt
22 - Lucknow
23 - Biher
24 - West Bengal
25 - Kersla
26 - Syria
27 - Australia
28 - South Yemen
29 - Bangladesh
30 - Tawi Scooters Ltd
31 - Spain
32 - Sweden
33 - Belgium
